
Purchasing Card Quick Steps

To allocate your Procurement Visa monthly statement:

Please follow the link to the .

A few key steps after logging on to the system:

  1. You can use the Quick Links located on the right side of the main screen to Create a Transaction Envelope.
  2. Click on the hyperlink that shows the last 4 digits of your account #.
  3. Type in the Envelope Name: Month Year (for example, March 2019)
  4. For the Date range, choose Cycle.
  5. Choose the most recent cycle (for example 02/26/2019 – 03/25/2019)
  6. Click to select Autofill envelope with transactions from selected date range.
  7. Click SAVE, your transactions will be pulled in for allocating. 
  8. Enter your Account Number and Project ID for each transaction. Please use the following format 11-6001-0000, this spacing is required, use hyphens. Please change this account accordingly, based on the charge. Enter the Purpose Code or Transaction Attributes as needed.
  9. Type your business purpose in the Note field. This is a required field. The first few characters in the Notes area will show on the General Ledger reports. Please keep the business purpose concise.
  10. Prior to clicking SAVE, ensure that all of your transactions have a checkmark in the “in envelope” box
  11. Click SAVE.
  12. Click PRINT ENVELOPE.  You will be prompted to choose portrait or landscape.  Please choose portrait.  
  13. Attach your receipts to the printed envelope, sign your statement, and send it to the Accounts Payable Dept in Swords Hall.
  14. Click SUBMIT TO WORKFLOW. This will send the transaction envelope to your department approver. 
  15. After submitting to workflow, you will receive the message: Once you submit the envelope it can’t be deleted. Select “Confirm” to submit or “Cancel” to go back to the Transaction Envelope page. Click Confirm.
  16. Any questions? Please contact the Program Administrator in the Controller’s Office