Purchasing Card Quick Steps
To allocate your Procurement Visa monthly statement:
Please follow the link to the .
A few key steps after logging on to the system:
- You can use the Quick Links located on the right side of the main screen to Create a Transaction Envelope.
- Click on the hyperlink that shows the last 4 digits of your account #.
- Type in the Envelope Name: Month Year (for example, March 2019)
- For the Date range, choose Cycle.
- Choose the most recent cycle (for example 02/26/2019 – 03/25/2019)
- Click to select Autofill envelope with transactions from selected date range.
- Click SAVE, your transactions will be pulled in for allocating.
- Enter your Account Number and Project ID for each transaction. Please use the following format 11-6001-0000, this spacing is required, use hyphens. Please change this account accordingly, based on the charge. Enter the Purpose Code or Transaction Attributes as needed.
- Type your business purpose in the Note field. This is a required field. The first few characters in the Notes area will show on the General Ledger reports. Please keep the business purpose concise.
- Prior to clicking SAVE, ensure that all of your transactions have a checkmark in the “in envelope” box
- Click SAVE.
- Click PRINT ENVELOPE. You will be prompted to choose portrait or landscape. Please choose portrait.
- Attach your receipts to the printed envelope, sign your statement, and send it to the Accounts Payable Dept in Swords Hall.
- Click SUBMIT TO WORKFLOW. This will send the transaction envelope to your department approver.
- After submitting to workflow, you will receive the message: Once you submit the envelope it can’t be deleted. Select “Confirm” to submit or “Cancel” to go back to the Transaction Envelope page. Click Confirm.
- Any questions? Please contact the Program Administrator in the Controller’s Office